Cascadel Woods Property Owners Association

P.O. Box 734, North Fork, CA 93643

Tel: (559) 877-2635    Fax: (559) 877-4024



Minutes of the Special Director’s Meeting

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Cascadel Woods Clubhouse

(Unless otherwise noted, all votes are unanimous)




President Stan Eggink called the meeting to order at 10:56am. Present were Directors Shaunna Shortes, Volney Dunavan and Warren Cox, and most of the attendees of the Annual Meeting immediately before this one.


Being duly elected to the Board, Rick Harrell was seated.



  • Stan Eggink was re-elected President (motion by Volney/second by Warren)
  • Warren Cox was re-elected Vice President (Volney/Shaunna)
  • Shaunna Shortes was re-elected Treasurer (Volney/Stan)
  • Rick Harrell was nominated for Secretary but declined; Volney Dunavan was elected to that position (Warren/Rick).


There was no change made to the current signature policy for the CWPOA financial accounts. Cindy will prepare and turn in the new signature cards for the CWPOA bank accounts.



  • Wayne Shortes had volunteered to get information and help us evaluate our existing insurance. We are hoping we have passed the ‘punishment’ phase on our Director’s and Officer’s Liability Insurance so that it can be remarketed to bind at a lower deductible.
  • We get Worker’s Compensation Insurance through the State Fund. Wayne wants to clarify our endorsement and also to find out if the insurance covers Board members who are volunteering on special projects, i.e., mowing.
  • He should have the full report ready for our next regular meeting.


Ongoing Road Work:

  • Brian felt that the existing $4,800 budget would cover many additional road repairs. First will be the big holes creek side and then starting at the archway, coming in. There was discussion about the need for a drainage ditch by the new culvert. The Board voted to allow up to $1000 more, to be used for this purpose. The money will come from discretionary funds.
  • In the future there will need to be a major project by the archway. The road needs to be lifted to help create a drainage ditch. Hopefully this can be done next spring.
  • There is another culvert between the arch and the new one; it probably is ok but also needs a drainage ditch.
  • There is a bad spot on Waterfall Way. Brian has been fixing it enough so that he can snowplow there. He is not quite sure that is our responsibility. This is a grey area.
  • Mark Stamas volunteered to help with road projects. Brian Curtis is welcome to call him at any time.



  • Stan requested information from Harvey, our webmaster. There has been no response. Stan will pursue this with the Board. It was clarified that the domain is owned by Chris Iden and that Mark Stamas is hosting the site at no cost to us. This will be an agenda item at our next regular meeting, November 12.



There being no further business to be transacted, the meeting adjourned at 11:15.


Respectfully submitted

Volney Dunavan, Secretary