BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Special Meeting
December 19, 2004

The CWPOA held a special meeting on Saturday, December 19, 2004 to consider approval of road projects for Cascadel Drive and Cascadel Drive South. The meeting was called to order at 9:07am by vice-president Joanne Freemire.

Present were directors Joanne Freemire, Carol Wilson, Steve Sims and Suzann Foster. Cecil Foster, Mark Stamas and Ava Thiesen were absent. There was a quorum.

Brian Curtis was present to represent the Road Committee. There were no other association members present.

Brian presented a history of the formation and goals of the Road Committee and described the two projects to be considered. It was noted that the bridge over Whiskey Creek is the next priority.

The first project to consider was the restoration of 175 feet of roadway at the end of Cascadel Drive So. from the McKee residence to the Cascadel Water Company gate. The second project was the repair of Cascadel Road at the intersection with Loma Linda Drive where the alligatoring is severe. Bids for the two projects were received from Precision Paving, a subsidiary of NACI, but no other companies submitted bids due to full schedules or lack of interest in such a small job.

The board discussed financing noting that there are unspent funds from 03/04 of $1000 and $5000 in the 04/05 budget, plus $13,4975 available from the Seligman account. The directors reviewed the proposals from Precision Paving (copy attached) and noted small corrections to be made. Suzann then moved to approve both projects as bid by Precision Paving, and to complete them as soon as possible. Carol seconded and the motion carried with aye votes from all board members present.

With there being no objections the meeting was adjourned at 10:02am.

Submitted by,

Cynthia Curtis

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November 13, 2004

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the CWPOA Board of Directors was called to order at 9:04am on Saturday, November 13, 2003 by the current president Mark Stamas. Directors present were Mark Stamas, Joanne Freemire, Suzann Foster, Ava Thiesen and Carol Wilson. Absent were directors Cecil Foster and Steve Sims. There was a quorum. Introductions were made, and Joanne noted that former board member John White had passed away.

Agenda   The agenda was reviewed, revised and approved.


Minutes from regular meetings of 7/20/04 and 9/11/04, and special meeting of 8/7/04 were reviewed, grammatical corrections made and ordered entered into the records.

Recombining Secretary and Treasurer

Mark proposed combining the two positions as was done in the past. Board decided to keep them separate and have the assistant secretary Cynthia Curtis continue to do the minutes.

Meeting Schedule

Directors reviewed the frequency of meetings, phone meetings, e-mail meetings, meeting notice requirements and meeting dates. It was decided to try holding the meetings at 7:00pm on the second Thursday of the odd numbered months, assuming this was acceptable to Cecil Foster.

Election of Officers

The floor was opened for nominations and the following positions were filled:
- President - Mark Stamas ---- Nominated by Ava. Second by Carol. No other nominations. Carried unanimously
- Vice-President - Joanne Freemire ---- Nominated by Ava. Seconded by Suzann. No other nominations. Carried unanimously.
- Secretary - Carol Wilson ---- Nominated by Mark. Seconded by Suzann. . - Ava Thiesen ---- Nominated by Carol. Seconded by Joanne. No other nominations. Vote was two for Carol and three for Ava. Ava was elected.
- Treasurer - Suzann Foster ---- Nominated by Suzann. Seconded by Joanne. No other nominations. Carried unanimously.

It was noted that alternates are not elected for directors who are unable to attend a meeting.

Officer Reports

President’s Report - Mark commented on the progress made by the past year’s board including repair of large potholes, and passing new bylaws.

Treasurer’s Report - Ann Kennedy, immediate past treasurer, was present to make the report. She noted that new signers must be approved for the financial accounts. There were discussions on returned checks, and of how, under the new bylaws, to word the new billing with regards to road maintenance and other operations as it fits within the Road Report guidelines.

The board also addressed matters of outstanding accounts and the ability to collect in court, of uncashed checks and of the budget that should now be entered into Quick Books. After Ann left the meeting, the directors considered the matter of dealing with a partial payment check from Hussain and the two court documents that can affect collections. The treasurer was directed to write a letter to Hussain and return their check.

In regards to authorizing signers for CWPOA accounts the following resolution was made by Joanne Freemire, seconded by Ava Thiesen and carried unanimously:
All current board members (Mark Stamas, Joanne Freemire, Ava Thiesen,
Suzann Foster, Cecil Foster, Steve Sims and Carol Wilson) are authorized to
sign on all company checking and savings accounts with any two signatures
required on all checks and transactions. The four officers – Mark Stamas,
Joanne Freemire, Ava thiesen and Suzann Foster – are authorized to sign on
the Seligman Cash Management account with any two signatures required.

The board also approved closing the Seligman account and transferring the funds into a separate savings account at Yosemite Bank, to be used exclusively for road maintenance funds. The board authorized signing the CPA services agreement, and asked the treasurer to handle the matter of the uncashed check written to Lila Johnson.

Committee Reports

Bylaws Committee – It was noted that the new bylaws were passed with 91 votes for approval.

Road Committee – (a) The board addressed the need to train additional persons to drive the snowplow. It was decided to have the Road Committee be in charge of this.
(b) The matter of the request from the Wensloffs for permission to make repairs to Cascadel Road and to become members of the association was put before the board. It was noted that in the past the association has done minimal maintenance to Cascadel road in order to allow heavy vehicle access to Cascadel. There was extensive discussion on the ownership of the road, liability for maintenance, eligibility for membership in the association, and the concerns the Houstons have about the location of the road. Mark noted that he had asked Brian Curtis to draft a letter from the Road Committee. It was moved, seconded and carried to have the Road Committee compose a letter, to be approved by the board via e-mail, stating the CWPOA does not object to the request to do road work.

The Committee reported that it still needs more estimates for the proposed repairs to Cascadel Drive South and will seek board approval once bids are received.

Land Management Committee – Joanne reported that a welcome package for new owners is still in the works. In March letters went out concerning encroachment on CSA property. The Land Management Committee (LMC) has composed a new letter concerning the unauthorized brush clearing done at the pond and would like to post signs. Suzann suggested placing logs along the restricted areas as was done at the falls in addition to the letter and signage. Joanne announced a work day planned for November 20th at 10:00am to remove logs from Outlot E.

Fire Safe Committee – No report filed.

Unfinished Business

Proposed Audit Committee – Bob Begley drafted a letter outlining the duties of an audit committee. Directors discussed who should serve, how many to be on the committee, how to select members and length of terms. Suzann moved to form an Audit Committee as per Bob’s letter and to send the letter out with the mailing of the minutes. Carol seconded. Motion carried. Ava will re-do letter to add portion for applicants to return.

Archiving Records – Treasurer to put together policy on archiving company records.

New Business

Johnson Attorney Letter – Board considered the requests from Richard Johnson’s attorney for certain company records, the past responses made, what is authorized, and modifying the CWPOA form letter for such requests, Carol moved to send another letter to the attorney and the board will review her response at the next meeting. Suzann seconded. Carried.

Annual Handouts – Carried over to next meeting.

Wensloff Membership Request – Discussion on request from David Wensloff to become member of association and how this may affect liability for road maintenance and improvement of Cascadel Road and of how membership fits into new bylaws. Carol moved to send a letter saying the CWPOA accepts them as members since the bylaws include them as members if they use the roads as primary access. Ava seconded. Carried.

Fisk Letter – Letter received from Hudson Fisk. No action needed.

Right to Pass Sign – The board addressed the “right to pass” sign posted by the Houstons on Cascadel Road. Jerry and Linda were present to answer questions and explain their purpose for posting the sign. They indicated they did so on advice of their attorney as they are researching the history of the road, their property lines and rights, existing road easements and protecting their spring. There was extended discussion on the matter after which the Houstons were asked if they intended at this time to close the road. The response was that this is to hold open a way to protect their property and rights.

Holiday Potluck/Tree Lighting – Joanne announced plans for a community party and tree lighting on Saturday, December 18th. Joanne moved to send out notices with the next CWPOA mailing. Suzann seconded and the motion carried. Suzann volunteered to co-host the event.

Concerns Committee – Carried over to next meeting.

Water – Carried to next meeting (flow of information from CMWC).

Mud Spillage on Cascadel Drive – Carried over to next meeting.

All Terrain Vehicles – Carried over to next meeting.

Commercial Use of Web Site – Suzann will research issue of using web site for small advertising.

Sims Set-back Request – Joanne moved to approve signing the letter to Environmental Health for the set-back requirement for Lot 48 #4. Carol seconded. Carried.

Keys – Discussed who is authorized to have keys to the office. Approved re-keying office locks as a regular procedure. Suggested keys be issued to office personnel, plow drivers, board president and water company.

Member Comment – None

Executive Session – Carried to next meeting.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:15pm on motion from Suzann, seconded by Ava, and carried.

Submitted by,

Cynthia Curtis

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September 11, 2004

(Approved November 13, 2004)

The Board of Directors met September 11, 2004 for its special meeting to consider extending the date for the final return of the ballots for voting on the revised bylaws. Present were Mark Stamas, Bob Begley, Ann Kennedy and Ron Smith, (who came later in the meeting). Directors Joanne Freemire, O.J. Hefner and Steve Sims were absent. President Mark Stamas called the meeting to order at 10:06am. The agenda was approved.

Introductions were made by all present. Guests included Jenny Castles, Simon Elman, Linda Barlow Houston, Ava Thiesen, Steve Whitt and Carol Wilson.

There was no quorum at the start of the meeting and general discussion was held concerning whether the CWPOA could go out for a second vote if there were not enough respondents. Consensus was that this would not be advisable. A call was made to Ron Smith to see if he would be able to appear at the meeting to consider extending the deadline for votes.

The meeting was called to order at 10:00am upon the arrival of Ron Smith. Bob moved that due to confusion about the bylaw voting process, we will extend the deadline for receiving votes to the end of the annual meeting on Saturday, September 25th. Ann seconded and the motion carries unanimously.

It was agreed to table the agenda to the next meeting.

The meeting then adjourned on motion from Ann Kennedy, seconded by Ron Smith. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:01am.

Submitted by,

Cynthia Curtis

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Special Meeting
August 7, 2004

(Approved November 13, 2004)

The Board of Directors met August 7, 2004 for its special meeting to consider the final version of the bylaws. Present were Mark Stamas, Bob Begley, Ann Kennedy and Joanne Freemire. Directors O.J. Hefner, Steve Sims and Ron Smith were absent. President Mark Stamas called the meeting to order at 10:06am. The agenda was approved.

After reviewing the draft and answering questions about several items and discussing the format of the bylaws, Joanne Freemire moved to approve the corrected and amended bylaws. Ann Kennedy seconded. Votes were cast as follows:
Kennedy - Aye, Freemire - Aye, Begley -Aye, Stamas - Aye. Motion carried.

Mark Stamas offered to write a cover letter to be sent out with the proposed bylaws for the general membership to vote on. Carol Wilson, Simon Elman and Jenny Castles offered to assist with putting the mailing together.

There was discussion on the criteria for voting, how to mark and count the ballots and the final date for return of the ballots. Ballots will be sent to all who would be covered by them if approved. It was decided to make the return date Monday, September 13th, either by personal delivery to the office, or by U. S. Mail postmarked by the 13th. Counting will be done on the following Monday, September 20th.

The meeting then adjourned on motion from Ann Kennedy, seconded by Joanne Freemire. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:50am.

Submitted by,

Cynthia Curtis

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