The 2004 Annual Meeting of the CWPOA was held on Saturday, September 25th at the Cascadel Clubhouse. Board members present were Ann Kennedy, Mark Stamas and Steve Sims.

Call to Order

President Mark Stamas called the meeting to order at 10:05am and introductions were made.


The agenda was reviewed and modified. Steve Sims moved to approve the agenda as amended. Harvey Fischer seconded. There were no objections. Motion carried.


The minutes from the 2003 Annual Meeting were reviewed. Malcolm Masten moved to approve the minutes. Harvey Fischer seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

President's Report

Mark presented a review of the past year’s activities and thanked all board members, especially treasurer Ann Kennedy, for their hours of volunteer work. He explained that the main focus of the year was the updating of the bylaws. Mark also described how the maintenance of roads became a large purpose of the CWPOA, why the CSA was formed and the role that the CWPOA board plays in administering the property.

Mark noted that as an aid to improve communications with the community the board meeting minutes and other information are now mailed to the membership. He also described some of the road projects that were completed and those planned for the coming year.

Treasurer's Report

Treasurer Ann Kennedy presented a summary of her financial reports, described the process of reformatting the accounting system and explained the differences between CSA and CWPOA expenses. The CSA#21 budget was reviewed and there was discussion about charging additional expenses to the CSA budget. The treasurer’s report was approved on motion from Brian Curtis, seconded by Malcolm Masten and carried with no objections.

Committee Reports

Fire Safe Committee – Brian Curtis reported on the committee activities over the past year. This included thinning out and burning brush from the CSA property and private lots. He noted that the North Fork Volunteer Fire Department and CDF conducted a joint training session in Cascadel and they plan to do another in the spring along with an informational session. Brian also spoke about fire hydrants (about 50 of them), describing their locations and output capabilities.

Member Comments

Questions were asked about funding for the repairs to the kitchen floor. This is a CSA project.

Harvey Fischer asked whether ads could be put on the Cascadel web site for a small fee.

Comments were made concerning which property owners are allowed to use CSA facilities, voting rights for CSA members, how the judgment affects the use of the CSA property, how CSA #21 is managed between the county and CWPOA, the cost and county process for properties to detach or join the existing CSA and how ownership of the roads fits within the CSA concept.

Several members complimented Mark, Ann and the board members for all their efforts on behalf of the board and community.


Nominations from Floor – The floor was opened for nominations. There were none. Steve Sims moved, Harvey Fischer seconded, to close nominations. No objections were made. Carried.

Introductions of Candidates – Each of the four candidates spoke briefly.

Voting – Laverne Masten, Ann Kennedy and Harvey Fischer were appointed to count votes and Ann Kennedy explained the voting procedure. A short break was taken for refreshments.

Results – The meeting was called back to order and the voting results were then announced. Elected for two-year terms were Cecil Foster, Suzann Foster, Ava Thiesen and Carol Wilson.

Call for Bylaw Votes

A final call was made for ballots for voting on instating the updated and revised set of bylaws for the CWPOA. There was a short discussion on the bylaws and the procedure for opening ballots. Harvey Fischer, Ann Kennedy and Steve Sims were appointed to count the votes. The signed envelopes were checked off against the voter list, opened and the ballots set aside. The correct number of ballots was verified and the votes were then counted anonymously.

Results were 12 “no” votes and 90 “yes” votes. This constituted 50% plus one (from the total ballots mailed out) for approval and the new bylaws were passed.


There was no further business to be conducted and the meeting adjourned at 1:29pm on motion from Harvey Fischer, seconded by Brian Curtis and carried.

Submitted by,

Cynthia Curtis
Assistant Secretary

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