The 2003 Annual Meeting of the CWPOA was held on Saturday, September 27th with all members of the Board of Directors in attendance. Present were Bob Begley, O.J. Hefner, Ann Kennedy, Steve Sims, Ron Smith, Mark Stamas and John White.

Call to Order

President Steve Sims called the meeting to order at 10:13am and introductions were made.


The minutes from the 2002 Annual Meeting were reviewed. Bob Begley moved to accept the minutes as written. Harvey Fischer seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

President's Report

Steve Sims spoke about the composition of the board, noting that the previous board had appointed both him and Mark Stamas to one-year terms. He complimented the current directors for their willingness to work together despite differing opinions and viewpoints.

Treasurer's Report

Treasurer Ann Kennedy presented a summary of her financial reports and explained the process involved in re-establishing the "class system" for accounting purposes. She described the goals and steps taken with the assistance of the CPA firm of Heath, Claibourne and Associates in establishing an accrual accounting basis, performing an internal audit, updating the records and beginning work on a policies and procedures manual for the accounting operation.

Ann also discussed the issues of dues versus fees and how payments were viewed and recorded in past years. She made recommendations that future boards not change the accounting system unless there was full research and agreement by the directors, that dues and road maintenance not be separated, that bylaw changes be made to clarify how assessments are handled, and that the budget be approved. There was further discussion on how expenses are divided according to classification, how "units" are established, and how dues and assessments are set. Steve thanked Ann and Cynthia for the work they did on the accounting system.

During the question and answer portion there was discussion on what CSA expenses are and how they are handled within the CWPOA system. In response to questions about collection of past due accounts it was noted that past boards determined to do this, but were sidetracked by other issues. A question was raised about where CSA funds are spent and that, since the CSA was formed for recreational use, more recreational options should be available. It was suggested that this be a subject for the Land Management Committee to pursue.

Committee Reports

Bylaws Committee - Bob Begley explained that the Bylaw Committee will be looking at making only minimal changes to the existing set of bylaws to bring them up to date. Discussion focused on the need to revamp the portion of the bylaws defining dues and to clarify membership qualifications and voting eligibility.

Land Management Committee - Mark Stamas listed the names of those serving on the committee and explained its purpose and focus. He made note of the responses to the Needs Assessment that was sent out several months earlier and commented that results will be used as a guideline for the Land Management Committee to work with.

Road Survey and Maintenance Committee - The committee was formed at the last board meeting to study and make recommendations for maintenance of the roads. Mark Stamas reported on the research he has done on the road easements and ownership. The committee was asked to formulate a long-term plan with cost estimates, and to patch the worst areas of the roads. There was general agreement to do patching with funds currently in the budget.

Director Comments

Bob Begley announced plans for a workday on Saturday, October 18th and urged members to participate, noting that there are fewer residents involved with community activities.

Member Comments

Comments included a word of approval to the board for the attendance at the meeting by all the director, statements about the attendance by the general membership, compliments to the board for its work, and suggestions to find more ways to promote community activities.

Nominations and Voting

Prior to the nominations there was discussion about the form of the proxy/ballot and voting quorums. Since his was not entered in time to be on the ballot sent to the members, Cecil Foster was asked to introduce himself and give a candidate statement. The floor was then opened for nominations. Brian Curtis nominated Cecil Foster and Mark Stamas. John White seconded. There were no other nominations and nominations were declared closed. Harvey Fischer, Ken Trapp and Ann Kennedy were appointed to count ballots. Refreshments were served during the interim.

The meeting was called back to order and two announcements were made of upcoming events at the clubhouse.

Results of the voting were then announced. Elected for two-year terms were Joanna Freemire, Steve Sims and Mark Stamas. President Steve Sims thanked John White for his years of service on the board. It was decided to delay election board officers until the next regular meeting on Saturday, November 9th when all board members could be present.


The president called for any further business. There being none, he then declared the meeting adjourned at 12:55pm.

Submitted by,

Cynthia Curtis
Assistant Secretary

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